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3.1.3.  Building and Installing binutils

Having configured the component, there are then three steps to building and installing the component.

make all

Build the component in the build directory.

make check

Carry out tests to ensure the component has built correctly. This will be of limited use here, since the goal is to build a cross compiling tool chain, the results of which will not run in the development environment.

make install

Install the component in the directory specified when configuring.

For example if a build directory has been created as in Section 3.1.2, then the following commands would be appropriate.

make all
make install

The result is a set of cross platform commands installed in /opt/or32/bin: or32-uclinux-addr2line, or32-uclinux-ar, or32-uclinux-as, or32-uclinux-c++filt, or32-uclinux-ld, or32-uclinux-nm, or32-uclinux-objcopy, or32-uclinux-objdump, or32-uclinux-ranlib, or32-uclinux-readelf, or32-uclinux-size, or32-uclinux-strings and or32-uclinux-strip.

In addition there is also a further sub-directory, /opt/or32/or32-uclinux/bin (observe the extra or32-uclinx), which provides the main cross-platform commands without their prefix (ar, as, ld, nm, objdump, ranlib and strip). This will be required by later component builds.

Embecosm divider strip