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4.1.2.  Running the Or1ksim Test Suite

Configuration creates a make file. make all will build all the tests, followed by make check to run the tests.


The time stamp problem with the configure script may appear here when running make all, so that the first time it is run it attempts to regenerate itself (without success). If this occurs, then just rerun the make all command—it only fails once.

Each test, if successful should output the following two lines.


In the event of a test failing, its output can be found in /tmp/testname_output and a count of the cycles executed in /tmp/testname_error .


The make check command does a simple test that the last two lines of output are as indicated above to determine success or failure. In practice, one or two tests (commonly the multiplication test and frame buffer test) may report failure, due to Or1ksim warning messages being interspersed between and after these two lines. Manual inspection of the relevant output files in the /tmp directory can be used to verify correct termination has actually occurred.

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