The distribution includes a top level make file, which will build
the target model and link it to the GDB RSP server
interface. Plain make will build an unoptimized
server and model. Using make run-fast will
build a model with profile-based optimization (which can increase
performance by a factor of 3). Using
make VFLAGS=-trace will build an unoptimized
version of the server and model which also generates a VCD dump of
the model in v-dump.vcd
(and consequently runs
many times slower).
The build process assumes the availability of packages from other
Embecosm packages. In particular the Embecosm Cycle Accurate SystemC
interface [9] is assumed to be installed
in /opt/ca-sysc-jtag
and the Cycle Accurate
SystemC Model generated using Verilator [10] is assumed to be in a peer directory named
. Alternative locations may be used
by editing the top level Makefile
A number of additional parameters are available, which mirror the parameters described in Embecosm Application Note 6, High Performance SoC Modeling with Verilator: A Tutorial for Cycle Accurate SystemC Model Creation and Optimization [10].