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4.3.2.  DebugUnitSC class

This class is a SystemC module (i.e. it has sc_module as a base class).

The Debug Unit functions work by queuing instances of TapAction sub-classes on a queue (FIFO) connected to the JTAG interface (class JtagSC). This allows the debug unit to read and write the various JTAG registers. In each case the debug unit waits (using the SystemC wait function) for notification that the action is complete before proceeding. The full interface is described in Embecosm Application Note 5 Using JTAG with SystemC: Implementation of a Cycle Accurate Interface [9].

The Debug Unit caches the current value of the debug chain. This means it can avoid selecting the chain for a debug action, where it is unchanged from the previous action.

The public interface to DebugUnitSC is as follows:

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