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4.3.4.  MemCache class

It also make sense to cache memory accesses when the CPU is stalled. The same locations are repeatedly accessed as the stack is analyzed.

It is not generally feasible (nor efficient) to cache all of memory. Instead a small hash table is used. In this case the hash table is represented by three private arrays, each of the same size (specified in the constructor and dynamically allocated). tabIsValid is a Boolean array indicating if the corresponding hash table slot is in use. tabKeyAddr holds the memory address being used to key a particular hash table slot. tabValue holds the associated cached value. The hash table can be cleared by using memset to set all the elements of tabIsValid to false.

The hash table provides for no retry function if a lookup clashes. The new key address replaces any existing entry. In practice clashes are very unlikely, so this makes lookup efficient.

The use of MemCache within the Debug Unit is discussed in the chapter on optimization (Section 5.2).

The public interface to MemCache is as follows:

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