How well is software performing on your chips? Whether you are planning a new processor or using an existing design, your software performance depends on having a high quality state-of-the art compiler tool chain.
You can draw on Embecosm’s years of specialist experience to ensure you have the latest compiler technology for your processors. With our technology you can be confident that your software is making the best use of your processors, ensuring that you stay ahead of your competitors. And best of all our tools are all based on open source technology—so no license fees. No matter how many of your programmers or your customers’ programmers use the tools.
These tools build on decades of R&D by specialist engineers from around the world. Embecosm’s specialists extend that core technology using superoptimization and machine learning. And then we test it comprehensively. The result—robust software tools using the latest technology and optimized to maximize the performance of your processors.
We provide you with a complete tool chain. So not just the compiler, but the assembler, debugger, libraries and utilities you need to develop, run and debug your code. You may not yet have silicon on which to use the compiler, in which case we are hugely experienced in developing processor models. So you can start to develop software, ready to run when silicon is available, and you can be sure that the compiler tool chain we develop for you will have been thoroughly tested.
We have experience with a wide range of open source compilers. Best known are GCC and LLVM, the work-horses of the chip industry. But we also work on specialist compilers, such as SDCC for the smallest microcontrollers, and Verilator, the Verilog to C++ compiler.
Increasingly we work on AI compiler tool chains, including those based on LLVM using MLIR. We can develop high performance implementations of OpenXLA, ApacheTVM or SYCL/OpenCL for your new AI chip. Find out more about AI tooling.
Whatever your programming language requirements, we can assist you. C and C++ are the languages that most customers require. But we also provide Rust, Fortran, Ada or COBOL, all using mainstream open source compilers.
There are many choices in the compiler to adopt, the supporting tool chain components, and the programming languages you need.
Contact Embecosm to discover which compiler technology is best for you